Sponsor African Youth To Learn Cyber Security

The African Diaspora Development Institute (ADDI) through its Youth Empowerment Program has partnered with Eretmis Cybersecurity Academy to help train the African Youth to become a continental cybersecurity workforce for Africa. Eretmis Academy is a premier Cybersecurity Academy that is dedicated to closing the talent gap in the cybersecurity industry.


Partnership between ADDI and Eretmis Academy to facilitate cybersecurity Education and Training among African youth in the diaspora and the continent.

Mission: Train the African Youth to become a continental cybersecurity workforce for Africa.

Vision: Transform Africa into a global leader of cybersecurity innovation and job creation this decade.

ADDI Cybersecurity Sponsorship

As the pace of social and economic advancements accelerate across the African continent, a big number of Africa’s fast-growing youth population will be denied the opportunity to live up to their potential. Digital technologies offer a chance to disrupt this trend by unlocking new possibilities for economic inclusion, innovation, job creation, and access to various services which would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Yet there is also a growing ‘digital divide’, and increased cyber risks, which need urgent and coordinated action to mitigate. ADDI invites you to be part of the effort to build Africa’s skilled cybersecurity workforce by financially sponsoring one or more African Youth to be enrolled in a three-month program at the Eretmis Cybersecurity Academy. Your donation of $1000 will enable an African Youth to become a trained cybersecurity professional ready to fill high-paying roles in the industry. ADDI will link you with the African Youth your donation will sponsor so that you will get to know about the person you help change their lives.

ADDI Members' Discount

As part of the ADDI's partnership with Eretmis Academy, ADDI members and their family will receive a $900 discount on cybersecurity training at Eretmis Academy.